The 2nd Pillar is The Mindset Mastery Pillar.

What we will do is look at why you binge, why you go off track and remove
all the mindset barriers that are holding you back that have been stopping
you from sticking to the plan.

What we do here is we identify and destroy the destructive habits. We then
create new habits, rituals, routines & systems around your business that
enable you to build this car from you to enter the race. This time being
bale to stay in the race without ever having to Yo-Yo again like previous
years where you sustain this result for the rest of your life.

HOW we do this is by pulling you into our module site where modules are
assigned and reviewed to ensure the car is being built but more
importantly so the habits are being ingrained to create the snowball effect.

You can see how this works as an overview HERE.

You can also see the effect this pillar has on achieving results HERE.

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