The 4th Pillar is The Lifestyle Management Report

What we will do here is look at a combination of food and your lifestyle,
what you do on the weekends, do you drink, do you have limiting beliefs,
and help you organise your time on a daily basis so we can help you get
to your goals as quickly as possible.

We remove the blocks that are killing your motivation, help you assess
and organise your time daily to get to your goals as quickly and
efficiently as possible.

We look into the family dynamic also in how this can be made viable &
sustainable for the group. The supporting environment &’Inner Circle’ as
we like to call it needs to be thoroughly considered in building the
protocol moving forward.

This isn’t a weekly check-in or monthly review like most masterminds.
This is yourself & myself in the trenches every day to ensure we cater to
you ever changing environment & needs as a high performer

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